Nurse's Corner » Nurse's Corner

Nurse's Corner


Mrs. Susan Trojan

Absence line: 908-709-6319 (Elementary and High School)         908-709-6960 (Middle School)   


FAX: 908-931-0932



Any illness or injury occurring during the school day shall be assessed and managed by the school nurse as appropriate. If a student needs to go home or see a physician/APN, the parent/guardian will be contacted or an emergency contact if the parent cannot be reached. A note is required from your health care provider if a student needs to be excused from gym/sports or use crutches at school. 

Students who have a fever must stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without any fever reducing medication. For students with life threatening health conditions such as asthma or allergies please provide completed health care plans from their provider, and we also advise that you provide medications for them to the health office. 

Medication policy

Prescription medication and/or over the counter medication may be administered by the nurse. A written permission from the parent to administer the medication is also required.

Medication must be brought in the original container, properly labeled by the parent/guardian, and securely stored at the nurse’s office. Please note: All medications provided must be picked up at the end of the school year.

With proper physician documentation students can carry and self-administer emergency medications such as asthma inhalers and epinephrine injectors without supervision from the school nurse. Parents are allowed to come to the nurse’s office to administer medications to their children if the nurse does not have appropriate documentation.

Immunization and Health Physicals

We ask that you provide complete immunization and up-to-date health physical records to the health office. If your child's immunization records are incomplete, he/she shall be excluded until records are completed.

Health insurance

For families or children without health insurance please contact New Jersey Family Care at, 1-800-701-0710 or visit their website at

Emergency contacts

Kindly provide the school with up-to-date phone numbers (home, work, and cell) of at least 2 people who can be contacted in an emergency if parent/guardian is unable to be reached. Please inform us promptly if this information should change during the school year.